WebTV™ Directory

A MEGA MIDI Archive - HUNDREDS of midis for WebTV™ers to enjoy

A MEGA MIDI Karaoke Archive - HUNDREDS of KARAOKE midis for WebTV™ers to enjoy and sing along to

Midi File Central - Lots of MIDI files categorizied by Artist

MIDI Haven - Extensive MIDI collection but use the no frames option at the top of the page to view it best

Dennis Laman's Karaoke Page - Contains a few good Karaoke MIDIs

Another list of Karaoke MIDIs - Another extensive list of Karaoke MIDIs (for Classic owners, you will not be able to view the entire page cause of the file size, just half of it)

Vikram's Midifest - Looking for Sports MIDI themes, look no further

AISP MOD Files - Files that are in MOD format....kinda like midi, but better sounding!